LINC: Evidence-based Concepts, Analysis, Innovation

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Langston’ Integrated Network College (LINC) was created in 2003 with the support of a National Science Foundation grant of$2.6M as well as the support of Langston University’s community of staff and faculty. It has emerged as a training ground and showcase for Langston’s scholars in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) disciplines. Since its inception, the LINC program has garnered recognition for its development of STEM scholars that have excelled on a national stage. As importantly, the number who enter and complete STEM degrees has increased, as has the number that entered and completed advanced degrees in STEM.

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Competency Performance Recording for Learning (CPRL)

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CPRL is a teaching and learning instructional strategy aimed at “resuscitating” students’ learning of the analytical process of problem solving, thus enhancing their problem solving skills as well as their understanding of core course concepts. It was conceived and developed from lessons learned during the initial LINC project (2003-2008), as well as from decades of experience teaching college-level STEM courses to underserved student populations.

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STEM Digital Village, an Online Community and Information Resource

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The STEM Digital Village (SDV) is an online community managed by the LU STEM group. It was conceived as a result of lessons learned during the first LINC program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as during years of teaching college level STEM courses. A subsequent, Continuation NSF grant continued funding of the LINC project through 2014. The Continuation grant enabled the LU LINC team to build STEM Digital Village into the tool that was envisioned early on during the first phase of the LINC project.

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LINC's Purpose

LINC serves high performing Science, Math, and Technology majors at Langston through providing scholarships, mentoring, concentrated assistance in securing Research Internships, coaching, and other assistance as needed.

LINC Accomplishments

During LINC, there has been up to a 151% increase in STEM majors, a 600% Increase in the number of STEM Undergraduates involved in research, and a 450% increase in the number of winners at national research presentation competitions.